Our terms and conditions:
Please read it.
- We are not registered financial advisor. Whatever we share here whether it is paid or free, we don’t recommend or advice any of it to you to go and actually use it in real world. This is another way of broadcasting.
- We do not recommend following each advice and never force anyone to follow it or share it. We do not recommend anyone to buy stocks, real estates or invest in any kind of stuff which could be assets or liabilities or anything. Things that cost money and doing it as starting to do trade. If anything happens as loss, then we are not responsible for any of it.
- What we share is for good faith. Everything that you decide to do is your own choice and done in your own presence without us helping you. We do not help you to make any kind of decisions. It’s all done by you and whatever we share here is what we do individually. You have no obligations to follow us after buying courses or listening to us.
- We are not paid advisors. You are paying for course that states a general advice which can be too obvious as don’t waste money. We don’t recommend buying any stocks, bonds or mutual funds. Whatever you chose or decide or do is solely because of you and we do not help into that.
- We don’t give any kind of investment advice or help. Even if you bought our investment course, it would include what we do as individually. Illustration: I am Harsh Nandanwar and how i analyze a piece of real estate. Now after learning how to do analysis, it is solely your responsibility that you take whatever action you decide after learning from us. And this is what we will teach you. We do not force or make or give you any kind of help after we have taught you how to do analysis which you can learn from our course. Learn more: Investment course.
- In our real estate course, we don’t help or advice you to go and do certain stuffs. It is recommended to always seek professional help as from CA or lawyer. Illustrations: I am Harsh Nandanwar and i have used this “X” type of method to buy my real estate. This is what i have done then it does not mean that you should go and do it. If anything goes wrong, then we would not be held liable for it.
- If you buy our sales course and you go and use it in real world and if you don’t make any money then we would not be held liable for it.
- We do not give any type of warranty or guarantee for anything that we talk here. Everything is up to you. We are just a broadcasting a message in good faith.
- By owning any of the products, you agree with our terms and conditions.
- We will not sell your information to anyone; it is safe with us. We care about your personal information and that’s why its safe with us.
- We do not give refund for any product purchased from our site under any circumstances.
- You will be contacted within 24 hours after purchasing any course.
- We will tell you truth even if you hate it, we are here to train people with truth not lies. Some things might be controversial, but we do not mean to offend you. We are not responsible for any of things. If you don’t like what we say then it is not our job to change our thoughts for you, to suit you, to feel comfortable for you.
- You could get one-on-one training, so training must be stay between participant or student and trainer. We train people from basics changing their perspective about everything and some things might be basics and offending.
- All rights are reserved at Hninstructing and if you violate any of the terms and conditions after accepting them then you will discard from course and legal actions will be taken based on jurisdiction.
- We have satisfaction money back guarantee/ It means if you are not satisfied with results then we will offer your money with whatever convenience fees are at particular moment.
- Results will be calculated as how was your company’s performance for the reason that you hired us and then how it is after we have done the work. Results are not measured in just few days or week. It takes time that is why we need 6 to 12 months to see results. And after that period, if we fail to give you any better results then we will offer your money back.
- If you get our any kind of advertising program or sort of where we will be designing ads for you only in printed or digital form. We will charge you extra for any kind of motion or animation commercial or video as it adds cost to us.
- If you get any kind of advertising program or sort of where we will be designing ads for you, we il not cover ads placement cost. It’s not included in program. We will charge you for that. Because we are offering bare essential prices with our programs. It adds cost to us.
- Advanced illustrations, 3D rendering or anything besides of basic illustration or picture is not included in our program. It adds cost to us and will be paid by client.
- Model photography or photoshoots for advertising or any kinds will not be included in program. It adds cost to us and will be paid by client if he wishes for it.
- Whatever data we might have collected from advertising or any business that we have done with you, or any data we might have collected from research or/and analysis will not be discussed with anyone or given to anyone, not even to you as our client. It belongs to our company, and it stays safe with us. Even if you ask for it, we shall not deliver it.
- If we fail to deliver any results, then are not responsible for harm to your company. We will offer your money back if we fail to deliver results. If you want us to get your brand image better, we will charge you extra for that.
- If you or your compnay files banckruptcy or you go out of business then we shall not give you refund. You can carry forward our services to your next business. For example, you purchased 6 months program, and you declared bankruptcy in fifth month of program then we can offer you last month program to be carried forward to your new company. You have to submit supporting documents and contact us before that.
- As listed in article 24, if you file bankruptcy or go out of business during or near in our program then whatever type of guarantee/guarantees that we might have promised in forefront of purchases of program will be voided and, we shall not give you any refund.
- As listed in article 24, you can carry forward remaining program to your new company if you declare bankruptcy or go out of business. Then in that case of remaining program period, whatever type of guarantee/guarantees that we might have offered prior to purchases of program for your previous company will we voided, and we shall not give you refund. We will continue providing our best services as we could, just like we would have for your previous company. But we will not give you any refund.