Harsh Nandanwar is the CEO of the Hninstructing Enterprise. He is the one who founded this company. It all started when he was kid who had dream of having business and running it efficiently and helping the world, helping other people and leaving this place better than he found it. Because if he doesn’t then he is greedy and arrogant, entitled to things and consuming it for only himself. Its selfish to not give back, to not make this society, place better. This is why he founded this company. It is to help other businesses, entrepreneurs and people to succeed in life, to have better finances and better lifestyle. Success doesn’t come at ease. It comes at a cost and sometimes it is the cost that you might not want to pay. But you have to because you cannot ignore your purpose, density anymore. You cannot hold yourself back because you might offend somebody, or you will disappoint somebody. You have to remember that those are people; they are others. You are yourself; they are not you. Thier’s opinion about you will change. Sometimes it will be good, sometimes it will bad. You cannot control that. It’s not in your control so what can you do?
His parents are big on education. They wanted him to go to college, get a degree and find a good job. A typical safe route which only looks safe to parents because there is no guarantee in that route that you will become successful at least for him. Of course, you can be doctor, lawyer or engineer and there’s nothing wrong about that. You see, Harsh was not big on education when he told his parents that he wants to drop out of college, they didn’t agree first. But as an individual, you have choice of freedom. You can be in jail or in throne of the kingdom, in both scenarios, you have choice. Your choices are free. And that’s what he did. He chose to not to go to college.
He started working for a company where he was a salesman, where he did door to door sales. They definitely did good job teaching 18 years old how to do sales. It wasn’t best but it wasn’t worse. It was something that was going to put his foot into door. Then he took courses from his mentors which are Dan Lok, David Ogilvy. Dan Lok taught him how to do better sales. David Ogilvy taught him how to do better advertising and be efficient in it. Since he got his foot in door, then he began to dive deeper into those areas. And he learnt more about sales, more about advertising. And he founded this company.
He has done so many studies that he is so sure to give you guarantee to give you results. And if he fails to do so then he will give you your money back. He believes in him so much and his ability to give you results in your advertising and sales, he even uses same concepts in his own company. He uses same sales techniques, same advertising methods and strategies. If you don’t want to get his services then what you can do is just literally observe what he does, and you will be able to learn about everything he does. You will be absolutely amazed as how much free content gives away. You can use it in your favor to help your business to success. If you don’t want to that then you can hire him.
His parents are big on education. They wanted him to go to college, get a degree and find a good job. A typical safe route which only looks safe to parents because there is no guarantee in that route that you will become successful at least for him. Of course, you can be doctor, lawyer or engineer and there’s nothing wrong about that.
You see, Harsh was not big on education when he told his parents that he wants to drop out of college, they didn’t agree first. But as an individual, you have choice of freedom. You can be in jail or in throne of the kingdom, in both scenarios, you have choice. Your choices are free. And that’s what he did. He chose to not to go to college.
His parents are big on education. They wanted him to go to college, get a degree and find a good job. A typical safe route which only looks safe to parents because there is no guarantee in that route that you will become successful at least for him. Of course, you can be doctor, lawyer or engineer and there’s nothing wrong about that. You see, Harsh was not big on education when he told his parents that he wants to drop out of college, they didn’t agree first. But as an individual, you have choice of freedom. You can be in jail or in throne of the kingdom, in both scenarios, you have choice. Your choices are free. And that’s what he did. He chose to not to go to college.
He started working for a company where he was a salesman, where he did door to door sales. They definitely did good job teaching 18 years old how to do sales. It wasn’t best but it wasn’t worse. It was something that was going to put his foot into door. Then he took courses from his mentors which are Dan Lok, David Ogilvy. Dan Lok taught him how to do better sales. David Ogilvy taught him how to do better advertising and be efficient in it. Since he got his foot in door, then he began to dive deeper into those areas. And he learnt more about sales, more about advertising. And he founded this company.
He has done so many studies that he is so sure to give you guarantee to give you results. And if he fails to do so then he will give you your money back. He believes in him so much and his ability to give you results in your advertising and sales, he even uses same concepts in his own company. He uses same sales techniques, same advertising methods and strategies. If you don’t want to get his services then what you can do is just literally observe what he does, and you will be able to learn about everything he does. You will be absolutely amazed as how much free content gives away. You can use it in your favor to help your business to success. If you don’t want to that then you can hire him.
If you don’t want to hire him then ss you can see in following images which consists of him posting on his social media as how you can write better advertisements to help your business to scale and get more sales. If you just follow his advice, then it is guaranteed to give you more sales and help you to scale your business and get more customers. Each image has lot more in it, when you click on it, you will be redirected to dive deeper into it. That is where you will learn lot more how to write your ads better to get more attention and attract more customers. How to sell more of your products or services; its all listed down below.
Now you don’t want to spend your time on searching through our feed trying to find what will work for business and want us to directly help you. Because we provide personalized services where we do research specifically in your indusrty and research will be done thoroughly. Then we will be able to find out what works and what doesn’t. Then we will discard things that don’t work and make working things even more efficient. So, with this, you will be able to get maximum results. And because of this, we are being able to promise you results or money back guarantee if we fail so.
When you as a business try to hire somebody to help you to solve your problems then what is it int their best interest to solve your problems when they are getting paid based on solving problems. What most businesses do is they do superficial job for their clients, so their clients stay hooked to them. And we can be like them, but we don’t want to be. Either we don’t want be like companies who promise so much and fail to deliver so.
When you as a business try to hire somebody to help you to solve your problems then what is it int their best interest to solve your problems when they are getting paid based on solving problems. What most businesses do is they do superficial job for their clients, so their clients stay hooked to them. And we can be like them, but we don’t want to be. Either we don’t want be like companies who promise so much and fail to deliver so.
We can be like other businesses who do bad job for clients or promise so much and then fail to deliver. But we are choosing not to. It is not about what we are or what we want to be. That has nothing to do with you as client. That is why we are not advertising ourselves better than others or similar kind because it is not something important for our client.
As a client, you only focus on results and which you should. That is why we promise to give you results and if not then we will kindly offer money back. We started this company because there are businesses that failed because of not getting better services, people not doing their job as good as they were supposed to, and price was paid by client as their business ban to diminish. We don’t want that to happen to our clients and that is why we started this company. It is to help businesses that are already on top and how they can continue it that way because if you don’t continue doing that then people will forget about your brand and so about your products. It is also for businesses who are struggling to make it through as they are on surviving and not thriving phase. Help them to thrive in marketplace and potentially acquire majority of market share.
Now that you want to scale your business to millions, or you already have sold to millions and want to continue to be on that path and grow even more from that then you go ahead and hire him to help you in your business. Remember, this is only for people who are serious about scaling their businesses. Because we don’t want to waste our time on people who are not serious about their business. We truly want to help them and drive more results. If we cannot give results, then we offer money back guarantee. Its results that we guarantee because it’s in our control. Anything outside of our control is not what we can do something about it. Now you have advantage to scale your business and make millions. It’s up to you, do you want to grab it or just let it leave and diminish your brand against your major competitors and see your business failing. What do you choose?
♦ Set up your business for long term
♦ Make your brand self-sustaining
♦ Make your brand thrive in recession
♦ Turn liabilities into assets
♦ Pre-sale your customers to close easily
♦ Strategies used to get more referrals
♦ Make them climb customer ladder quickly
♦ Better and stronger negotiations with customers
♦ Affect million heads at time with eye-catching ads
♦ Ads that will get you brand loyalty
♦ Acquire majority of marketshare
♦ Thoroughly researched advertising
♦ Strategies for overcoming obstacles
♦ Personalized research in your industry
♦ Train your staff to pursue customers with less resistance
♦ Work will begin on your products or services to improve
♦ Set up your business for long term
♦ Make your brand self-sustaining
♦ Make your brand thrive in recession
♦ Turn liabilities into assets
♦ Pre-sale your customers to close easily
♦ Strategies used to get more referrals
♦ Make them climb customer ladder quickly
♦ Better and stronger negotiations with customers
♦ Affect million heads at time with eye-catching ads
♦ Ads that will get you brand loyalty
♦ Acquire majority of marketshare
♦ Thoroughly researched advertising
♦ Strategies for overcoming obstacles
♦ Personalized research in your industry
♦ Train your staff to pursue customers with less resistance
♦ Work will begin on your products or services to improve
♦ Set up your business for long term
♦ Make your brand self-sustaining
♦ Make your brand thrive in recession
♦ Turn liabilities into assets
♦ Pre-sale your customers to close easily
♦ Strategies used to get more referrals
♦ Make them climb customer ladder quickly
♦ Better and stronger negotiations with customers
♦ Affect million heads at time with eye-catching ads
♦ Ads that will get you brand loyalty
♦ Acquire majority of marketshare
♦ Thoroughly researched advertising
♦ Strategies for overcoming obstacles
♦ Personalized research in your industry
♦ Train your staff to pursue customers with less resistance
♦ Work will begin on your products or services to improve