
What we all have been learned about money in schools, colleges and from our parents and friends. I learned and I want you to learn this, too. Because this is going to change whole world’s perspective about money. But this is secret that all successful businessmen and investors know. We believe, we are here to serve you and that’s why we are telling you this secret.

Saving money will make you rich

This is one of the biggest lies that every person has heard in his entire life from beginning of school. This lie is often told by teachers who don’t know anything about money. Some has heard this from their parents. Parents and teachers play a major role in making a child financially intelligent. But when they start to lie to child, then his future has begun to go in dark. I have seen parents who don’t talk about money in front of their children, but they are making a mistake. They are keeping their children in dark when it comes about money.

We recommend parents to teach their children about money because that is where they are lacking, since no one talked about it in front of them. Nowadays, everything can be bought with money. Every transaction need money and will in future. If parents and teachers already know future, even then why are they not teaching their children about money? They might think that their children will adopt bad habits when they learn about money. This is a lie. Parents must teach them how use money wisely.

Parents mistake of not teaching their children how money works costs them a lot. They never learned about money, so end up being poor. Parents don’t see this coming and then they question their children, “Why are they poor?” They answer, “Because you never taught us anything about money.” And parents think their children is poor because of bad habits, lack of manners. This is why they answered us like that, why are they questioning our parenting. But they are not seeing the whole truth that, it was their mistake and they became poor. If you have read this far, then would love our blog then we will recommend subscribing to our newsletter, its free of cost and you will get lot new knowledge:

Saving money will not make you rich. Instead, it will make you poor. Everyone knows that government can print as much money as they want. If you are saving money, on your end, you are doing things right. But on other end, government is printing billions, which makes everyone has so much money. When everyone has lot of money, then that money does not hold any value. This causes inflation to reach rooftop. Because of this, money loses its purchasing power. US government has printed 60% of available dollars in 2 years from 2020 to 2022. This caused current inflation rate at 17%. Interest rates are too high. Federal Reserve said, “Inflation is at 9.1% but its at 17% and its transitory.” They lied to keep market stable. If it is transitory then why inflation is still rising? If this stayed continue, then US dollar will half of its purchasing value before 2027.

This is why saving money will not make rich. It will make you poor. In the end, decision is in your hand. Do you want to grow or stay stuck where you are right now?

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